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Update Log #46 (BP SS16, Forbidden Temple Rift, Raids Base Reward Changes, New BiS Equipment, New Skilling Materials, New Magic Spells, QOL & ALOT MORE!)


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Greetings Exorians,

Its been a long time coming! We've been hard at work with this update. It introduces a lot of new content, new items, new magic spells, raid reward changes, QOL and general changes. As always thank you all for supporting Exora. We appreciate your feedback and suggestions. It will be a massive update log, so strap in, grab some coffee and lets go!

Donation Deals: https://exora.io/deals
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+ Christmas Event Ends
Thank you all for participating and enjoying the Winter/Christmas event. All world events will be disabled, and the home map will turn green again. Event consumeables can still be used. If you still have left over Christmas tokens you can still spend them at ::christmasshop

Regarding the Santa Shoulder Pet, that will no longer work.

Our next event will be the Easter event, which will start roughly mid/end of March.

+ Forbidden Temple Rift
The Forbidden Temple rift dungeon is the 2nd rift dungeon coming to Exora. Rift dungeons are time based dungeons that any player can access. Players may be able to freely enter and leave rift dungeons within their time frame. The Forbidden Temple has a rift timer of 90 minutes. Certain donator ranks have increased time in the rift. Once your time is up you will be kicked out of the rift. Players may be able to use a rift reset scroll obtained from monster drops/credit shop. Rifts contain lots of skilling resources, monsters and a multi-boss.

How do I enter the Forbidden Temple?
- You must first have the Forbidden Rift temple ability unlocked at Hanto. You can unlock it for 25K boss points.
- It is located directly north of the slayer camp.

  + Seren the Forgotten
Seren the forgotten is the new multi-boss within the forbidden rift. She has lots of combat mechanics, is quite tanky and has lots of HP. You can access the boss room east of the forbidden temple. Top 8 players with the highest damage will receive loot.

    + Mechanics
        - Seren has ranged and magic basic attacks, that deals damage even through prayer.
        - While in the boss room, at every 5% HP seren will spew out fire to every player in the boss room. If you get hit you'll be dealt DoT damage.
        - At every 15% HP seren will fire up the whole room, only leaving certain spots to walk on.
        - Seren will spawn a minion at every 25% HP. Note that with each additional player in the room, it'll spawn an additional minion up to 8.
        - These minions while alive will increase the damage of the spitting fire.
        - Killing the minions isn't required to continue the fight. They will despawn once Seren has been killed.

  + Ancient Monsters
The ancient monsters are high-level monsters each having a different style of combat. They have high HP and defenses. However each monster has its weakness. They all share the same collection log.

  + Ancient Titan
   - Weak to melee combat.
  + Ancient Golem
   - Weak to magic combat.
  + Ancient Void Spinner
   - Weak to ranged combat.

  + Forbidden Temple Skilling Resources
The forbidden temple, like the hellside rift contains resources. These resources can be used to create new arrows, new potions and foods. Let's list out the resources that can be obtained, and their finished craft.

   + Onyx Gem Tree
      - Requires Lvl. 97 woodcutting and a gemstone hatchet (or its effect). It is located south-east of the temple.
      - You will receive regular uncut onyx while cutting the gem tree. You also have a low chance to obtain enchanted onyx gem.
      - Like the other enchanted gems, you have to use pestle & mortar to crush it in to enchanted onyx dust. Lvl. 94 herblore required.
      - The enchanted onyx & dust is used as a material in the titan forge, and material to create enchanted hellside arrows.

        + Hellside Arrows (e)
           - Enchanted onyx dust can be used to create enchanted hellside arrows. 1 dust creates x15 enchanted hellside arrows.
           - The enchanted hellside arrows are now the BiS arrows for ranged boasting a +120 Ranged Strength and +48 Ranged Attack
           - You need Lvl. 97 fletching in order to enchant it.

   + Ethereal Lizard
Ethereal lizard is a new hunting material, they can be caught at Lvl. 94 hunting using a regular box trap. The ethereal lizard is used in various recipes such as creating the Grand ethereal potion and Grand ethereal feast.

    + Grand Ethereal Potion
      - Boosts range level by +30 and magic levels by +25 for 2 minutes. It cannot be used while the overload effect is active.
      - Requires: lvl. 95 herblore, x1 fellstalk potion (unf), x1 extreme ranging (4), x1 extreme magic (4) to create.

   + Ethereal Dartfish
A new type of fish giving the best healing, and additional effect such as increased ranged and magic levels. However it slowly degrades. The dartfish can also be used in various recipes, like creating the grand ethereal feast. 

   - Lvl. 97 fishing is required to catch the ethereal dartfish, and it can only be caught with the Hunter's harpoon.
   - Lvl. 95 cooking is required, and past lvl. 98 you wont burn the dartfish.

    + Grand Ethereal Feast
      - Boosts range by +35 and magic levels by +30 for 5 minutes. It cannot be used while the overload effect is active.
      - To create the feast, you must first forge its raw version via the titan forge > materials category.
      - Once you have the raw ethereal feast, simply cook it and you'll now have the cooked version. Note: Feasts cannot be burnt. Lvl. 97 cooking.

  + Forbidden Temple Loot
What kind of loot can you expect in the forbidden temple? The forbidden temple mostly contains loot that is used in titan forge recipes. However, this time we've taken a look at how we want loot to be obtained. We're experimenting with a pity system. This means that you wont be completely reliant on jackpot drops.

Note: Shards are untradeable, cant be sold in trading post, and are always kept on death.

First we'll explain what type of loot you can obtain, and how they work. We'll then explain later down the update log what they forge.

  + Tempest Essence
     - Tempest essence is used to titan forge the BiS equipment such as Eclipse, Bloodstorm and Shadowfrost. Cape is excluded.
     - It can only be obtained as a raw drop from Seren the Forgotten.
      + Tempest Shards
         - Tempest shards is the pity material, collect x100 tempest shards, click on the item and you'll be able to create a tempest essence.
         - Tempest shards can be obtained from all ancient monsters, zone rewards, and Seren the Forgotten.
  + Forgotten Relic
     - Forgotten Relic is used to titan forge the BiS accessories such as Dragonic Aegis, Arcane Crystal and Venomous Talon.
     - Can be obtained from all ancient monsters, and Seren the Forgotten.
      + Forgotten Shards
         - Forgotten shards is the pity material, collect x100 forgotten shards, click on the item and you'll be able to create a forgotten relic.
         - Forgotten shards can be obtained from all monsters, zone rewards, and Seren the Forgotten.
  + Power Nova Relic & Hellfire Barrage Relic
     - Can be obtained from Seren the Forgotten.
      + Ancient Shards
         - Ancient shards are a bit different. You wont be needing to forge the power nova or hellfire relic. Once you collect x100 ancient shards, you can click on the item and it'll ask you which relic you'd like to create. Once you have the magic relic, you can click on it to unlock the new spell.
         - Ancient shards can be obtained from all monsters, zone rewards, and Seren the Forgotten.

  + Forbidden Temple Magic Spells
As you've read before, you can unlock new magic spells. These spells are an enhanced version of the power charge and hellfire burst spells. To be able to use the new magic spells, you'll first have to have their respective spell unlocked. So you can't use power nova spell without having power charge unlocked.

   + Power Nova
      - Lvl. 99 magic required. A multi-target power charge spell.
      - It stacks power charges on one monster you're attacking, and requires more stacks for the special damage.
      - Once enough charges have been stacked, your special will hit all monsters you're attacking.
      - Due to the AoE effect, its damage has been reduced. However Shadowfrost effect increases it. In terms of Single Target, Power charge is still better.
   + Hellfire Barrage
     - Lvl. 99 magic required. A multi-target spell that rejuvinates prayer, health and freezes the target.
     - In short; it has the blood, ice and hellfire effects combined in to one.
     - Deals the same damage as regular hellfire burst.

  + Forbidden Temple Misc.
    + Forbidden Temple Soulcage

       - Defeat x500 ancient monsters, or seren.
       - Loot: Tempest essence, forgotten relic, power nova relic and hellfire barrage relic.
       - From: Credit Shop
    + Forbidden Mystery Box
       - Contains all rares, shards and battle pets.
       - From: Monster Machine, Ancient monsters, Seren and Credit Shop

  + Forbidden Temple Battle Pets.
     + Ancient Monster Pets

        - x2 special hits, 10% chance to apply another.
     + Seren the Forgotten
        - Magic Attacks, x3 special hits, 20% chance to apply an additional hit.

That is it for the Forbidden Temple, we hope you guys enjoy it.

+ Titan Forge
We've added a lot more new items to the titan forge, that also includes items not a part of the forbidden temple update. We'll be listing the new items, effects and success chance. If you'd like to see the full list of materials required head over in-game to the Titan Forge to view the list.

Let's start with the juicy stuff!

Note: Equipment refers to helm, body and legs

  + Eclipse Equipment
     - Bis ranged set.
     - Effect: 25% chance to gain a short burst of ranged attack speed. (10 second cooldown).
     - Increased attack speed refers to attacking faster and not additional hit. This means that your effects and bonuses will be applied after.
     - Success Chance: 20% per piece
  + Shadowfrost Equipment
     - Bis magic set.
     - Effect: 25% chance to gain a short burst of magic attack speed. (10 second cooldown).
     - Increased attack speed refers to attacking faster and not additional hit. This means that your effects and bonuses will be applied after.
     - Success Chance: 20% per piece
  + Bloodstorm Equipment
     - Bis melee set.
     - Effect: 25% chance to gain a short burst of melee attack speed. (10 second cooldown).
     - Increased attack speed refers to attacking faster and not additional hit. This means that your effects and bonuses will be applied after.
     - Success Chance: 20% per piece

  + Dragonic Aegis Acessories
     - BiS melee acessory set. Amulet, Ring and Gloves.
     - When full dragonic aegis set is equipped, gain 1% increased undying vengeance drop rate.
     - Success Chance: 100% per piece
  + Venomous Talon Acessories
     - BiS range acessory set. Amulet, Ring and Gloves.
     - When full venomous talon set is equipped, gain 1% increased undying vengeance drop rate.
     - Success Chance: 100% per piece
  + Arcane Crystal Acessories
     - BiS magic acessory set. Amulet, Ring and Gloves.
     - When full arcane crystal set is equipped, gain 1% increased faceless drop rate.
     - Does not consume akdall runes while equipped.
     - Success Chance: 100% per piece

  + Titan Horn Boots
 - BiS melee boots
     - 10% chance while in melee combat, to apply DoT up to 600 damage.
     - Success chance: 30%
  + Arcane Horn Boots
 - BiS magic boots
     - 10% chance while in magic combat, to apply DoT up to 600 damage.
     - Success chance: 30%
  + Venom Horn Boots
 - BiS range boots
     - 10% chance while in range combat, to apply DoT up to 600 damage.
     - Success chance: 30%

  + Azure Shield
    - BiS magic shield
    - Reflects 30% of incoming magic damage. Paired with goliath staff or nirvana's staff; 25% chance to apply an additional reflect hit.
    - Success chance: 20%
  + Obsidian Shield

    - BiS melee shield
    - Reflects 30% of incoming melee damage. Paired with goliath sword or nirvana's sword; 25% chance to apply an additional reflect hit.
    - Success chance: 20%

  + Ruthless Bounty trinket (i)
    - 6% chance at rolling an extra drop from a monster or boss.
    - 12% chance to drop an additional superior essence or superior fury essence.
    - Success chance: 25%
  + (Skill Pet) Darya Pet Armour

    - New BiS skill pet armour.
    - Lvl. 42 required, 30% XP rate.
    - Success chance: 100%
  + (Skill Pet) Ring of the Darya Dragon

    - New BiS skill pet ring.
    - Lvl. 38 required, 25% XP rate.
    - Success chance: 20%

+ Titan Forge Changes
   - Dusted hellside imp forge no longer requires superior essence.
   - Dusted hellside imp forge now requires only enchanted dusts, including onyx.
   - Slightly lowered the essences required for twisted akdall's amulet.

+ Raids Reward Changes
   + All raids

      - Added wildwood equipment to the drop table.
      - Added dark matter equipment to the drop table.
      - Added ebonchill equipment to the drop table.
      - Added dark matter greataxe, ebonchill quarter staff to the drop table.
      - Removed regular nex pieces from the drop table.
      - Moved elite nex pieces to a more common drop table.
      - Moved (i) rings to a more common drop table.
   + Lietrye Raid
      - Added tormented weaponry to the drop table.
   + Argus Raid
      - Added crystallic weaponry to the drop table.
      - Added strider wings to the drop table.
      - Added horn boots to the drop table.
   + Undying Vengeance Raid
      - Added dragonic, crystal and poison claw sigils to the drop table.
      - Added dark matter weaponry to the drop table.
      - Moved undying/vengeful gloves and boots to a more common table.

+ Slayer
  - Increased the lietrye drop rate ability from 0.5% to 2%.
  - Buffed raid drop rate slayer abilities from 0.5% to 1%.
  - Slayer masters will now open the task shop interface upon right click.

+ Prestige Ability Shop
  - Added a new ability: 1% increased lietrye drop rate. Cost: 6 points.

+ Range Combat
  - Slightly increased projectile speed.

+ Skillmaster Durzag
  - Small elemental rocks can now be mined to progress your elemental star skill task.
    + Added new 'Gluttony' Durzag ability for 3000 skill points.
       - Effect: When equipped with the enchantment of gluttony and engaged in a skill task, 1% chance to feed your pet without having the materials.
       - Enchantment of gluttony base effect remains the same. This is an additional effect.

+ Skill Related
  - You can now break down hunter's harpoon, ents handaxe, stoneshatter pickaxe and mycelial hoe for 30 danzig's plates each.
  - Wand of scorpian is now a magic skilling weapon.
  - Vile stinger 2h is now a skilling weapon.
  - Added more tooltip information on custom skilling materials.

+ Boosters
  - Added boosters to timers interface.
  - Boosters are now stackable in the inventory.

+ Collection Log
   - Alphabetically re-ordered the monsters collection log category.
   - Added forbidden temple monsters collection. (This collection log is for all Ancient monsters combined)
   - Added Seren the Forgotten collection log.
   - Added forbidden mystery box collection log.

+ Pool of Sacrifice
   - Added many more items to the sacrifice pool such as; trinkets, pet enchantments, event weaponry & more.
   - See full list of sacrificeable items and value here: https://exora-rsps.fandom.com/wiki/Pool_Of_Sacrifice

+ Item/Skill Guide
   - Updated the in-game item/skill guide.

+ Abyssal Horror
  - Seperated abyssal horrors and abyssal demons in the slayer tower.
  - Reduced melee and ranged defences.
  - Reduced melee attack bonuses.
  - Lowered the coin value of abyssal equipment from 25m to 10m.

+ General Changes
  - Updated regular power charge spellbook icon.
  - You can no longer list multiple of the same items as a sell offer.
  - Wrong combat style messages can now be filtered against ganodermic behemoth, glacors.
  - Increased the quantity of black dragon hides dropped from king black dragon.
  - Lowered defence requirement for Akdall's shield to 88 defence.
  - Replaced bankers in the raids house with bankers that have GIM bank.
  - Abyssal helm now gives 1 plate, body 2. (previously other way round)
  - Dravonic chest will no longer announce dravonic pieces.
  - Sirenic will no longer announce from blurite chest.
  - Removed undead dragon completionist cape requirement.

+ Custom Token
The custom token is a new item that can be used to create your own custom model and have it in-game. Trade over the token to @bennie in-game or send a DM on discord to @bennie to redeem your token. You're allowed to create 1 custom equipment piece with it.

Your custom item will be purely cosmetic, however you may trade in an item to transfer over the stats. For example if you made a custom bow, you can trade over your nirvana's bow to have the stats on your item.

The custom token can only be purchased from the Credit Shop.

+ Credit Shop
- Updated the Credit Shop NPC
  - Added 'Custom token' for 12999 credits in the general category.
  - Added forbidden temple soulcage for 6999 credits in the general category.
  - Added forbidden mystery box for 199 credits in the general category.
  - Added forgotten relic for 3499 credits in the general category.
  - Added power nova relic for 6499 credits in the general category.
  - Added hellfire barrage for 4999 credits in the general category.
  - Added polychrome battle pets to the battle pets category.
  - Moved world boss token and re-roll token to the Misc. category.
  - Moved scroll of power charge, hellfire burst to the Misc. category.

+ Battle Pass Season 16
Its that time again! A new season means a full blown new custom cosmetic set for premium battle pass users! The SS16 battle pass will have a total of 84 levels to complete!

New to exora's battle pass? Read more here: https://exora-rsps.fandom.com/wiki/Battle_Pass

Here are the notable rewards:
   - Dragonfire full set
   - Superior fail-safe ticket
   - Lietrye soulcage
   - Ancient, forbidden and tempest shards
   - Lots of superior and fury essences
   - Polychrome bunny battle pet


+ Custom Request
Thank you to @turbie for ordering a custom request. Introducing the "Exoria Fang Bow" in multiple colors!


If you would like to get a custom made head over to our discord and view the channel #customdonations.



Thank you all for taking the time to read the update log. It's a banger of an update so hope you guys enjoy it. Appreciate the support GL GL ❤️

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