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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 255 1,327 673,104,386
Attack 75 99 131,093,667
Defence 234 99 23,559,734
Strength 228 99 69,544,796
Constitution 1 99 200,000,000
Ranged 1 99 200,000,000
Prayer 565 99 13,060,875
Magic 795 93 7,328,356
Cooking 873 68 666,553
Woodcutting 1,949 23 6,500
Fletching 928 1 0
Fishing 694 88 4,820,720
Firemaking 1,142 47 80,482
Crafting 1,520 1 0
Smithing 1,829 1 0
Mining 646 95 8,929,052
Herblore 1,564 1 0
Agility 559 96 10,120,063
Thieving 1,188 46 70,500
Slayer 1,449 77 1,518,037
Farming 628 81 2,303,531
Runecrafting 1,398 1 0
Hunter 1,007 1 0
Construction 1,476 1 0
Summoning 196 11 1,520
Dungeoneering 5 1 0