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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 985 1,703 266,013,708
Attack 609 99 29,394,170
Defence 1,129 99 13,096,340
Strength 480 99 108,940,508
Constitution 731 99 51,860,161
Ranged 1,464 73 1,042,410
Prayer 1,381 82 2,542,198
Magic 757 91 6,452,250
Cooking 1,353 68 636,709
Woodcutting 393 99 31,356,103
Fletching 359 80 2,018,875
Fishing 1,680 76 1,347,609
Firemaking 774 83 2,787,966
Crafting 1,015 66 538,650
Smithing 754 71 850,832
Mining 1,334 89 4,912,763
Herblore 473 47 75,984
Agility 998 75 1,264,500
Thieving 819 85 3,491,320
Slayer 835 85 3,319,440
Farming 1,131 32 16,651
Runecrafting 1,104 29 12,390
Hunter 634 36 24,906
Construction 854 38 30,973
Summoning 72 1 0
Dungeoneering 6 1 0