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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 63 1,250 299,880,730
Attack 720 40 37,816
Defence 776 31 15,616
Strength 834 35 23,840
Constitution 861 36 26,911
Ranged 603 1 0
Prayer 706 34 21,190
Magic 444 1 0
Cooking 11 99 26,239,542
Woodcutting 26 99 36,968,594
Fletching 261 1 0
Fishing 6 99 60,077,485
Firemaking 2 99 36,500,000
Crafting 191 50 111,813
Smithing 458 1 0
Mining 66 99 14,975,500
Herblore 517 1 0
Agility 5 99 35,402,110
Thieving 23 99 18,101,383
Slayer 767 26 9,180
Farming 14 99 37,491,250
Runecrafting 19 99 16,759,000
Hunter 252 1 0
Construction 31 99 17,119,500
Summoning 48 1 0
Dungeoneering 2 1 0