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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 1,892 1,410 77,544,533
Attack 884 99 16,564,950
Defence 1,197 99 13,074,870
Strength 1,565 99 13,049,880
Constitution 1,432 99 14,633,634
Ranged 1,411 74 1,207,740
Prayer 2,138 65 492,600
Magic 1,830 42 49,428
Cooking 991 83 2,689,800
Woodcutting 1,175 83 2,712,300
Fletching 744 25 7,945
Fishing 1,135 93 7,206,000
Firemaking 757 84 3,042,750
Crafting 1,007 67 590,220
Smithing 1,491 49 96,900
Mining 2,537 50 106,200
Herblore 1,257 1 0
Agility 1,531 66 500,854
Thieving 1,690 55 172,320
Slayer 1,277 75 1,287,000
Farming 1,207 29 12,371
Runecrafting 933 35 24,081
Hunter 881 1 0
Construction 911 35 22,690
Summoning 74 1 0
Dungeoneering 6 1 0