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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 191 1,805 1,084,695,346
Attack 1 99 200,000,000
Defence 1 99 200,000,000
Strength 1 99 200,000,000
Constitution 1 99 200,000,000
Ranged 2,917 1 0
Prayer 556 99 13,120,635
Magic 712 94 8,296,800
Cooking 304 99 26,344,214
Woodcutting 465 99 24,368,894
Fletching 150 99 13,463,320
Fishing 307 99 62,325,492
Firemaking 578 92 6,556,018
Crafting 252 99 15,301,992
Smithing 492 81 2,273,887
Mining 305 99 59,486,555
Herblore 1,243 1 0
Agility 625 84 3,174,305
Thieving 530 99 13,129,479
Slayer 204 99 35,513,592
Farming 945 39 35,898
Runecrafting 1,267 1 0
Hunter 477 49 100,146
Construction 527 74 1,204,119
Summoning 69 1 0
Dungeoneering 6 1 0