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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 1,016 1,775 134,049,685
Attack 706 99 13,106,985
Defence 424 99 14,844,181
Strength 379 99 38,595,442
Constitution 838 99 22,388,126
Ranged 1,332 65 452,578
Prayer 1,136 86 3,635,024
Magic 1,305 60 283,276
Cooking 824 72 922,803
Woodcutting 759 87 4,152,234
Fletching 489 38 32,154
Fishing 815 85 3,429,104
Firemaking 1,066 52 133,638
Crafting 657 68 609,564
Smithing 569 61 315,204
Mining 492 99 13,248,106
Herblore 541 46 74,605
Agility 990 73 1,040,288
Thieving 713 83 2,844,370
Slayer 1,008 92 6,971,660
Farming 600 87 4,275,731
Runecrafting 634 78 1,763,962
Hunter 508 46 74,855
Construction 713 71 843,250
Summoning 145 29 12,545
Dungeoneering 5 1 0