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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 506 2,475 326,732,540
Attack 599 99 13,334,966
Defence 911 99 13,034,431
Strength 1,075 99 13,034,431
Constitution 1,062 99 13,273,949
Ranged 658 99 13,034,431
Prayer 793 99 13,034,431
Magic 602 99 13,366,143
Cooking 425 99 13,034,431
Woodcutting 471 99 13,034,431
Fletching 151 99 13,034,431
Fishing 480 99 13,034,431
Firemaking 340 99 13,034,431
Crafting 163 99 13,034,431
Smithing 128 99 13,034,431
Mining 536 99 13,034,431
Herblore 163 99 13,034,431
Agility 495 99 13,034,431
Thieving 486 99 13,034,431
Slayer 714 99 13,034,431
Farming 414 99 13,034,431
Runecrafting 365 99 13,034,431
Hunter 150 99 13,034,431
Construction 397 99 13,034,431
Summoning 3 99 13,034,431
Dungeoneering 3 99 13,034,431