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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 1,033 1,643 124,991,923
Attack 4,466 1 0
Defence 2,757 47 78,159
Strength 4,460 1 37
Constitution 1,455 88 4,699,774
Ranged 1,137 71 899,155
Prayer 1,222 82 2,425,332
Magic 693 99 13,047,847
Cooking 902 67 604,500
Woodcutting 541 96 10,276,500
Fletching 383 50 101,340
Fishing 645 91 6,199,400
Firemaking 896 61 323,250
Crafting 688 64 415,928
Smithing 686 59 258,946
Mining 1,696 60 284,222
Herblore 162 99 13,034,671
Agility 462 99 13,061,520
Thieving 699 83 2,814,060
Slayer 398 99 33,189,010
Farming 467 96 10,389,000
Runecrafting 792 59 264,500
Hunter 480 48 87,122
Construction 424 98 12,530,000
Summoning 159 24 7,650
Dungeoneering 5 1 0