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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 171 1,264 86,462,386
Attack 795 33 18,420
Defence 618 42 46,292
Strength 905 29 12,708
Constitution 488 61 320,250
Ranged 596 1 0
Prayer 77 92 6,983,648
Magic 180 73 1,029,906
Cooking 86 95 9,639,250
Woodcutting 92 99 13,482,000
Fletching 259 1 0
Fishing 117 96 9,957,400
Firemaking 284 44 59,000
Crafting 354 1 0
Smithing 411 23 7,000
Mining 81 99 13,188,750
Herblore 513 1 0
Agility 144 82 2,623,750
Thieving 202 62 339,000
Slayer 487 52 131,990
Farming 46 99 14,471,500
Runecrafting 203 43 53,250
Hunter 158 35 23,772
Construction 46 99 14,074,500
Summoning 46 1 0
Dungeoneering 2 1 0