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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 866 715 10,528,020
Attack 810 75 1,282,080
Defence 758 75 1,322,064
Strength 921 75 1,219,968
Constitution 877 77 1,587,938
Ranged 645 60 278,160
Prayer 1,260 35 24,100
Magic 399 70 810,960
Cooking 550 21 5,250
Woodcutting 678 16 2,750
Fletching 316 1 0
Fishing 646 16 3,000
Firemaking 535 17 3,250
Crafting 486 1 0
Smithing 591 1 0
Mining 758 16 2,750
Herblore 484 1 0
Agility 110 86 3,972,000
Thieving 889 15 2,500
Slayer 1,609 1 0
Farming 403 16 2,750
Runecrafting 375 21 5,500
Hunter 311 1 0
Construction 358 16 3,000
Summoning 31 1 0
Dungeoneering 1 1 0