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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 1,262 1,656 81,904,627
Attack 1,327 90 5,371,359
Defence 1,325 87 4,118,877
Strength 1,818 77 1,563,377
Constitution 1,347 92 6,868,123
Ranged 733 95 9,611,427
Prayer 1,222 82 2,536,976
Magic 1,223 64 410,606
Cooking 555 90 5,397,860
Woodcutting 728 88 4,800,250
Fletching 939 1 0
Fishing 893 82 2,471,506
Firemaking 483 89 4,941,250
Crafting 1,546 1 0
Smithing 658 60 275,509
Mining 1,098 75 1,277,331
Herblore 1,583 1 0
Agility 703 90 5,563,500
Thieving 580 92 7,044,750
Slayer 1,228 84 3,232,921
Farming 538 92 6,530,000
Runecrafting 599 80 2,192,000
Hunter 470 49 98,005
Construction 490 93 7,599,000
Summoning 289 1 0
Dungeoneering 5 1 0