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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 665 1,272 407,766,731
Attack 1,724 91 6,336,005
Defence 1,838 85 3,281,600
Strength 2,360 84 3,070,760
Constitution 937 99 33,574,489
Ranged 1,964 60 287,880
Prayer 654 99 13,046,400
Magic 165 99 93,801,150
Cooking 196 99 48,970,500
Woodcutting 2,193 1 0
Fletching 828 1 0
Fishing 291 99 69,019,350
Firemaking 1,671 1 0
Crafting 1,428 1 0
Smithing 475 82 2,469,000
Mining 155 99 128,660,992
Herblore 815 32 17,700
Agility 744 81 2,205,750
Thieving 1,030 75 1,296,180
Slayer 1,129 78 1,728,975
Farming 1,374 1 0
Runecrafting 1,270 1 0
Hunter 877 1 0
Construction 1,265 1 0
Summoning 69 1 0
Dungeoneering 6 1 0