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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 1,211 1,064 186,354,256
Attack 1,670 92 7,161,050
Defence 1,606 90 5,791,705
Strength 2,065 89 5,186,680
Constitution 853 99 39,888,344
Ranged 1,675 67 596,220
Prayer 964 92 7,125,000
Magic 157 99 105,833,175
Cooking 1,813 1 0
Woodcutting 1,319 75 1,319,600
Fletching 829 1 0
Fishing 2,119 1 0
Firemaking 1,677 1 0
Crafting 1,368 30 14,475
Smithing 1,861 1 0
Mining 1,446 85 3,325,140
Herblore 1,246 1 0
Agility 1,691 57 218,667
Thieving 734 89 5,258,150
Slayer 698 88 4,636,050
Farming 1,379 1 0
Runecrafting 1,277 1 0
Hunter 878 1 0
Construction 1,273 1 0
Summoning 69 1 0
Dungeoneering 6 1 0