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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 2,232 735 47,480,932
Attack 1,079 99 13,613,820
Defence 1,563 92 6,733,440
Strength 1,531 99 13,056,720
Constitution 1,620 97 11,135,814
Ranged 2,918 1 0
Prayer 2,194 64 421,800
Magic 2,056 1 0
Cooking 1,805 1 0
Woodcutting 2,192 1 0
Fletching 828 1 0
Fishing 2,113 1 0
Firemaking 1,670 1 0
Crafting 1,428 1 0
Smithing 1,432 51 114,924
Mining 2,050 69 694,920
Herblore 787 33 19,500
Agility 1,943 38 33,634
Thieving 2,750 1 0
Slayer 1,149 78 1,656,360
Farming 1,373 1 0
Runecrafting 1,268 1 0
Hunter 877 1 0
Construction 1,263 1 0
Summoning 69 1 0
Dungeoneering 6 1 0