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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 1,598 950 39,377,716
Attack 3,134 41 43,073
Defence 1,806 75 1,210,845
Strength 3,704 32 16,476
Constitution 1,261 94 8,250,045
Ranged 383 99 23,595,621
Prayer 2,329 52 124,494
Magic 1,959 1 0
Cooking 1,091 60 300,700
Woodcutting 1,336 56 194,956
Fletching 922 1 20
Fishing 1,094 74 1,161,587
Firemaking 931 59 269,872
Crafting 859 55 180,140
Smithing 1,136 42 49,545
Mining 1,878 51 114,744
Herblore 1,567 1 0
Agility 2,124 32 17,915
Thieving 2,563 1 0
Slayer 1,163 86 3,828,887
Farming 1,203 33 18,796
Runecrafting 1,417 1 0
Hunter 1,013 1 0
Construction 1,489 1 0
Summoning 272 1 0
Dungeoneering 5 1 0