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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 347 1,912 496,024,265
Attack 770 99 13,060,705
Defence 713 99 13,060,705
Strength 922 99 13,087,707
Constitution 373 99 67,005,073
Ranged 164 99 144,488,312
Prayer 292 99 13,317,956
Magic 618 99 13,257,614
Cooking 156 99 18,593,250
Woodcutting 596 93 7,887,250
Fletching 928 1 0
Fishing 294 99 15,745,750
Firemaking 409 93 7,484,250
Crafting 891 54 152,996
Smithing 1,563 27 10,187
Mining 61 99 102,186,328
Herblore 1,564 1 0
Agility 515 98 12,740,965
Thieving 654 86 3,741,000
Slayer 684 99 13,611,848
Farming 473 95 9,345,375
Runecrafting 574 81 2,240,250
Hunter 72 99 17,568,244
Construction 474 93 7,438,500
Summoning 263 1 0
Dungeoneering 5 1 0