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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 604 653 1,838,600
Attack 436 64 427,064
Defence 436 60 280,000
Strength 514 60 273,932
Constitution 493 61 328,152
Ranged 604 1 0
Prayer 690 36 25,575
Magic 446 1 0
Cooking 375 44 58,200
Woodcutting 518 1 0
Fletching 263 1 0
Fishing 398 56 201,912
Firemaking 440 1 0
Crafting 361 1 0
Smithing 347 35 23,695
Mining 528 34 20,250
Herblore 251 40 39,245
Agility 583 27 10,452
Thieving 304 43 51,080
Slayer 558 47 76,500
Farming 277 35 22,543
Runecrafting 328 1 0
Hunter 253 1 0
Construction 344 1 0
Summoning 50 1 0
Dungeoneering 2 1 0