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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 0 0 0
Attack 0 0 0
Defence 0 0 0
Strength 0 0 0
Constitution 0 0 0
Ranged 0 0 0
Prayer 0 0 0
Magic 0 0 0
Cooking 0 0 0
Woodcutting 0 0 0
Fletching 0 0 0
Fishing 0 0 0
Firemaking 0 0 0
Crafting 0 0 0
Smithing 0 0 0
Mining 0 0 0
Herblore 0 0 0
Agility 0 0 0
Thieving 0 0 0
Slayer 0 0 0
Farming 0 0 0
Runecrafting 0 0 0
Hunter 0 0 0
Construction 0 0 0
Summoning 0 0 0
Dungeoneering 0 0 0