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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 401 1,313 683,582,450
Attack 1,093 99 13,501,016
Defence 478 99 24,753,555
Strength 633 99 62,087,330
Constitution 1 99 200,000,000
Ranged 172 99 124,277,700
Prayer 299 99 13,793,250
Magic 1 99 200,000,000
Cooking 1,805 1 0
Woodcutting 2,039 32 16,821
Fletching 828 1 0
Fishing 1,025 96 9,731,855
Firemaking 1,670 1 0
Crafting 1,188 52 132,000
Smithing 789 70 753,675
Mining 492 99 30,241,763
Herblore 435 49 93,482
Agility 1,410 69 672,722
Thieving 1,415 60 291,600
Slayer 841 84 3,235,680
Farming 1,373 1 0
Runecrafting 1,269 1 0
Hunter 877 1 0
Construction 1,263 1 0
Summoning 69 1 0
Dungeoneering 6 1 0