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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 1,005 1,723 128,569,067
Attack 1,251 91 5,904,753
Defence 1,149 90 5,901,402
Strength 1,230 94 8,414,107
Constitution 1,301 92 7,194,570
Ranged 1,148 71 821,560
Prayer 1,263 80 2,046,000
Magic 1,122 71 832,000
Cooking 298 99 14,061,200
Woodcutting 250 99 17,728,500
Fletching 330 57 212,794
Fishing 322 99 15,047,800
Firemaking 353 98 12,501,000
Crafting 851 55 181,380
Smithing 485 64 421,476
Mining 503 99 13,119,870
Herblore 1,092 24 7,375
Agility 973 72 962,750
Thieving 197 99 16,099,875
Slayer 1,164 86 3,690,705
Farming 1,270 30 13,500
Runecrafting 544 84 2,959,750
Hunter 1,006 1 0
Construction 727 64 446,500
Summoning 240 3 200
Dungeoneering 5 1 0