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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 1,020 1,852 129,963,363
Attack 470 99 14,875,757
Defence 949 98 12,779,201
Strength 693 99 15,461,243
Constitution 911 99 18,825,559
Ranged 827 90 5,408,453
Prayer 1,077 88 4,636,053
Magic 795 94 8,023,929
Cooking 951 66 531,791
Woodcutting 557 96 10,151,312
Fletching 245 75 1,216,786
Fishing 1,062 76 1,337,936
Firemaking 699 74 1,185,427
Crafting 345 81 2,243,476
Smithing 733 57 214,190
Mining 911 83 2,867,968
Herblore 467 51 115,621
Agility 687 91 6,056,614
Thieving 1,043 54 161,381
Slayer 638 99 15,741,182
Farming 531 92 6,830,438
Runecrafting 853 55 170,731
Hunter 362 65 491,565
Construction 721 68 636,750
Summoning 294 1 0
Dungeoneering 5 1 0