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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 281 979 32,065,528
Attack 207 89 5,055,360
Defence 210 85 3,261,602
Strength 151 99 13,038,882
Constitution 195 92 7,121,717
Ranged 601 1 0
Prayer 283 65 462,337
Magic 397 24 7,155
Cooking 305 55 171,500
Woodcutting 346 51 119,350
Fletching 260 1 0
Fishing 263 73 1,009,470
Firemaking 237 55 170,035
Crafting 293 28 10,937
Smithing 328 36 26,331
Mining 580 1 0
Herblore 278 37 29,455
Agility 335 52 125,500
Thieving 275 46 68,000
Slayer 257 76 1,387,072
Farming 383 1 0
Runecrafting 324 1 0
Hunter 250 1 0
Construction 308 8 825
Summoning 47 1 0
Dungeoneering 2 1 0