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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 305 976 276,073,268
Attack 1,805 49 92,746
Defence 1,709 49 94,506
Strength 1,912 49 92,746
Constitution 1,977 49 98,220
Ranged 1,302 28 11,200
Prayer 2,088 1 0
Magic 1,067 1 0
Cooking 5 99 107,993,600
Woodcutting 959 1 0
Fletching 413 1 0
Fishing 934 30 13,500
Firemaking 18 99 23,992,500
Crafting 691 1 0
Smithing 860 1 0
Mining 361 85 3,324,750
Herblore 766 1 0
Agility 573 59 251,250
Thieving 192 87 4,162,750
Slayer 2,196 1 0
Farming 40 99 17,659,000
Runecrafting 3 99 115,126,000
Hunter 436 1 0
Construction 135 84 3,160,500
Summoning 52 1 0
Dungeoneering 1 1 0