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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 133 1,748 506,552,736
Attack 63 99 136,742,972
Defence 62 99 51,527,574
Strength 211 99 51,637,504
Constitution 122 99 108,581,858
Ranged 63 99 84,099,618
Prayer 215 97 11,117,543
Magic 282 84 3,012,786
Cooking 159 90 5,412,000
Woodcutting 176 91 6,506,583
Fletching 145 56 197,576
Fishing 374 83 2,714,500
Firemaking 138 89 5,093,170
Crafting 79 92 6,653,710
Smithing 198 66 510,895
Mining 154 97 11,694,033
Herblore 246 35 24,556
Agility 194 77 1,559,533
Thieving 116 94 8,413,041
Slayer 150 97 11,005,305
Farming 410 11 1,500
Runecrafting 355 28 11,415
Hunter 211 34 21,432
Construction 306 30 13,632
Summoning 31 1 0
Dungeoneering 1 1 0