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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 1,218 1,843 186,417,117
Attack 879 99 16,583,112
Defence 681 99 16,997,284
Strength 1,157 99 16,625,808
Constitution 1,125 99 24,611,634
Ranged 719 99 13,129,084
Prayer 566 99 13,112,595
Magic 559 99 13,255,653
Cooking 705 94 8,200,750
Woodcutting 1,397 73 1,001,610
Fletching 378 76 1,447,845
Fishing 1,039 95 9,618,490
Firemaking 795 82 2,589,750
Crafting 1,327 36 26,674
Smithing 1,650 40 39,962
Mining 2,703 24 7,500
Herblore 625 39 36,547
Agility 473 93 7,379,020
Thieving 734 90 5,425,810
Slayer 433 98 12,454,289
Farming 389 97 11,175,500
Runecrafting 454 89 5,054,707
Hunter 805 29 12,590
Construction 385 93 7,630,903
Summoning 72 1 0
Dungeoneering 6 1 0