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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 534 1,379 66,461,735
Attack 328 99 14,504,112
Defence 453 98 12,372,416
Strength 574 96 10,242,703
Constitution 509 98 12,793,143
Ranged 593 62 360,032
Prayer 643 69 728,574
Magic 363 75 1,322,960
Cooking 347 70 811,000
Woodcutting 233 85 3,585,750
Fletching 316 1 0
Fishing 474 75 1,222,150
Firemaking 368 56 200,500
Crafting 486 1 0
Smithing 591 1 0
Mining 269 86 3,915,500
Herblore 484 1 0
Agility 407 63 379,673
Thieving 222 75 1,267,070
Slayer 476 76 1,431,902
Farming 170 57 209,750
Runecrafting 170 62 352,750
Hunter 311 1 0
Construction 120 70 761,750
Summoning 31 1 0
Dungeoneering 1 1 0