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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 1,128 1,764 105,317,832
Attack 1,645 80 2,026,893
Defence 1,453 83 2,852,683
Strength 1,782 78 1,666,652
Constitution 1,481 88 4,446,028
Ranged 845 88 4,650,530
Prayer 1,106 87 4,051,566
Magic 1,025 78 1,758,892
Cooking 541 90 5,635,600
Woodcutting 720 88 4,765,661
Fletching 935 1 0
Fishing 602 93 7,753,700
Firemaking 427 92 6,972,550
Crafting 413 77 1,492,711
Smithing 1,842 1 0
Mining 650 95 9,482,501
Herblore 327 63 380,013
Agility 725 88 4,658,250
Thieving 255 99 14,976,840
Slayer 1,401 79 1,947,095
Farming 590 87 4,272,750
Runecrafting 408 96 10,531,050
Hunter 914 27 10,537
Construction 445 97 10,984,490
Summoning 219 8 840
Dungeoneering 5 1 0