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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 1,332 1,643 70,370,924
Attack 1,424 86 3,814,628
Defence 1,388 85 3,289,417
Strength 1,491 86 3,949,310
Constitution 1,555 86 3,676,069
Ranged 2,613 1 0
Prayer 1,172 84 2,979,100
Magic 1,486 48 83,152
Cooking 767 74 1,137,650
Woodcutting 860 82 2,464,468
Fletching 722 27 10,791
Fishing 1,257 69 709,950
Firemaking 434 92 6,622,750
Crafting 477 74 1,136,882
Smithing 630 60 278,990
Mining 569 98 12,643,222
Herblore 514 48 86,018
Agility 548 97 11,303,576
Thieving 586 92 6,678,140
Slayer 1,444 78 1,640,059
Farming 759 71 857,857
Runecrafting 533 85 3,294,713
Hunter 813 32 17,682
Construction 574 86 3,696,500
Summoning 283 1 0
Dungeoneering 5 1 0