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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 1,846 1,417 82,498,122
Attack 1,580 95 9,645,600
Defence 1,468 95 9,589,440
Strength 1,742 95 9,587,400
Constitution 1,668 96 10,158,554
Ranged 1,298 78 1,649,760
Prayer 1,277 84 3,219,000
Magic 2,065 1 0
Cooking 1,210 73 1,088,400
Woodcutting 2,220 1 0
Fletching 835 1 0
Fishing 1,465 83 2,776,800
Firemaking 1,691 1 0
Crafting 1,297 41 45,360
Smithing 1,020 63 389,160
Mining 1,650 80 2,071,680
Herblore 1,253 1 0
Agility 1,043 74 1,159,800
Thieving 534 99 13,133,160
Slayer 1,849 64 408,240
Farming 1,099 33 18,600
Runecrafting 269 99 13,262,400
Hunter 289 74 1,193,640
Construction 483 84 3,101,128
Summoning 72 1 0
Dungeoneering 6 1 0