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Hiscores are big part of Exora. By earning XP you get to be on the hiscores depending on your level and rank. Are you ready to take rank 1?


Skill Rank Level Experience
Overall 1,915 1,045 75,686,395
Attack 984 99 14,634,362
Defence 705 99 16,274,110
Strength 1,228 99 14,709,305
Constitution 1,406 99 15,191,504
Ranged 2,937 1 0
Prayer 1,037 91 6,341,424
Magic 2,068 1 0
Cooking 1,345 68 654,400
Woodcutting 2,224 1 0
Fletching 837 1 0
Fishing 1,600 79 1,843,700
Firemaking 1,637 5 500
Crafting 1,448 1 0
Smithing 955 65 474,300
Mining 1,475 84 3,240,030
Herblore 1,256 1 0
Agility 1,261 70 771,750
Thieving 2,703 11 1,500
Slayer 1,508 70 772,560
Farming 1,320 11 1,500
Runecrafting 647 70 772,700
Hunter 881 1 0
Construction 1,158 16 2,750
Summoning 73 1 0
Dungeoneering 6 1 0