Why Exora?
Exora 667 is a custom economy MMORPG aimed to bring a new MMORPG experience through new content such as NPCs, minigames, maps, weaponry and much more. Exora will uphold a balance of existing MMORPG content with a pleasant blend of new custom items and armors. Explore new areas filled with bosses you've never encountered before.
Fight alongside your friends in raids to obtain high end rewards, enjoy our new skilling content with new tools and fish to catch, paired with mining new rocks and ores to create powerful enchantments and weapons!
game news and announcements
Update Log #49 (Sorcerer's Plunder, Raid Token Increases, New Monster Instances & MORE!)
Greetings Exorians!
Time for another update, we wanted to release this update a bit sooner, but had some last moment changes that made it take longer. However we're happy with how it turned out! We haven't released a minigame in a long while, so we're happy to finally release one. We'll explain in this update log how it works. Thank you all for supporting Exora, and we appreciate all the feedback!
As for the Easter event, it will end roughly at 15th of May. The easter deals, are extended and will continue until 1st of June. You can find them here: https://exora.io/deals
Summer event will begin roughly at the start of June.
Let's get to the update!
+ Sorcerer's Plunder
A new minigame, where you go through a maze, plunder the safe and get rewards! This minigame allows you to obtain the much needed drop catcher. Similar to regular safeboxes, and the auto alchemizer. You can obtain drop catcher pieces, and combine them in to a full drop catcher. You cannot obtain drop catcher pieces duplicates, so every piece you get is unique and sort of a guaranteed way to obtain the drop catcher.
There are 4 mazes within the Sorcerer's area, each maze contains an old safe box. There are guards which you have to avoid within the mazes, once you get to the end you get to choose whether you want to loot the safe box, or continue to do another maze. Each maze that you complete will boost your rewards, such as rolls on the better loot table, higher chance at receiving drop catcher pieces and more loose springs.
Any item that boosts regular safebox rewards, will also work with plunder safe boxes.
Note that you cannot obtain alchemizer pieces from these safe boxes.
How to unlock the Sorcerer's Plunder:
- You must have Safe Cracker skill ability unlocked first.
- You can then unlock the Sorcerer's Plunder skill ability for 250 points.
How to get to Sorcerer's Plunder:
- Head over to the Global teleports > minigames > Sorcerer's Plunder.
That's it for Sorcerer's Plunder. Good luck on obtain your drop catcher!
+ Monster Instances
We've added a few new instances for monsters, they're in the same pvm instance manager. We're most likely planning on adding a few more monster instances if needed, to help with overcrowded places.
These instances can only started if you have the rank above Eternal donator.
- Added dark matter goraks instance, 6 total - 1m per kill.
- Added dark matter demons instance, 6 total - 1m per kill.
- Added ebonchill starlight instance, 6 total - 1m per kill.
All monsters are now multi-targetable within instances.
+ Increased Raid Tokens - Invocations
You will now gain more raid tokens per raid levels, this will only work for raids that have invocations. Hopefully this helps with increasing the benefit of running raid invocations!
- Undying Vengeance: +1 additional raid token per 125 levels.
- Faceless: +1 additional raid token per 100 levels.
- Argus: +1 additional raid token per 100 levels.
+ Pets
- Increased drop rate of regular elemental demon and golden.
- Increased special damage, and % of regular elemental demon and golden
- Golden Dragon will now do magic special hits, instead of ranged.
+ Collection Log
- Updated safebox collection log, to now contain amulet of durzag, and lockpick trinket.
+ Changes
- Clue scroll battle pass task will now track when danzig's artifact is used.
- Seperated abyssal horrors from the abyssal demons area, also added a few more abyssal demons.
- Pure and rune essences can now be purchased noted from the Runecrafting shop.
+ Fixes
- Fixed an issue with Magma reaver, and Celestial hunllef aggro.
Thank you all for taking the time to read the update log! Appreciate you all, GL & HF!
Update Log #48 (Battle Pass Season 17, Sacrifice Changes, Sacrifice Additions & MORE!)
Greetings Exorians,
Time for another update! This one will bring some new additions to Sacrificing, some level requirement reductions and more items to sacrifice.
We'll also release the new battle pass season! We're already at season 17!
Let's get to the update.
New deals will be ending on the 15th of May, make sure to grab your deal while you can! You can find it here:
+ Sacrificing Additions
We noticed there were some items lacking for Sacrificing, so we are adding a few new things to Sacrificing. Should help you boost your points and XP up.
+ Sacrificial Imp Pet
- A new skilling pet, low chance to obtain from Sacrificing.
- 10% increased sacrificing XP when pet is equipped.
+ Enchantment of Sacrificing
- A new pet enchantment. Required lvl. 26 to equip and is obtained from the very rare+ drop tables.
- 2.5% increased sacrifice points gained.
+ Mysterious hand trinket
- A new trinket for sacrificing. It is obtained from very rare+ drop tables and credit shop.
- 10% increased chance to receive a material from sacrificing.
+ Sacrificing Changes
You can now sacrifice all your battle pets. Ranging from low to high value. If you sacrifice a pet that has a level on it, the level will stay, and will come back when you receive the same pet again.
We've also reduced some items' level requirements, and points.
+ Level Reductions
- Lowered horn boots req to 63.
- Lowered strider wings req to 63.
- Lowered crystallic weaponry to 65.
- Lowered tormented weaponry to 59 & 61
- Lowered exorian wings to 48
- Lowered dravonic equipment to 55
- Lowered shadowscale to 57
- Lowered nomad to 54.
- Lowered dark matter weaponry to 82
- Lowered monster handaxe to 61
- Lowered monster hunter shield to 55
+ Point Changes
- Lowered point value of horn boots to 3000
- Lowered crystallic point value to 1500
- Lowered tormented weaponry to 1250
- Lowered dravonic equipment to 1000
- Lowered shadowscale to 1000
- Lowered infernal guard to 60
- Lowered nomad amulets to 750.
- Lowered wildwood to 400
- Lowered chaotic weaponry to 250
- Lowered monster hunter shield to 1250
+ Danzig's Plates
You can now obtain danzig's plates by using a hammer on your skill pet. This function works on all combat specific skill pets, including event skill pets. This means that pets obtained from general skilling cannot be broken down at the moment.
+ Danzig's Skilling Pets
- x12 plates
+ Regular Event Skill Pets
- x15 plates
+ Brimstone Bear
- x40 plates
+ Golden Skill Pets
- x50 plates
+ Golden Brimstone Bear
- x125 plates
+ General Changes
- You will now automatically join the help chat, if you are not in any friends chat. (upon relog).
- Increased the size of the easter egg hunt npc.
- Renamed the Collector heirloom to drop booster.
- Fixed an issue with the Hanto's bracelets equip model.
+ Credit Shop
- Added Mysterious hand trinket to the credit shop for 599 credits.
+ Battle Pass Season 17
We have a spicy season! This one contains 2 easter fail-safe tickets, 1 superior fail-safe, polychrome pet, lietrye soulcage and a lot more!
If you're new and unsure how battle pass works in exora, check out our guide here: https://exora-rsps.fandom.com/wiki/Battle_Pass
Let's check out our seasonal battle pass set! The "Bluebone" set.
We also have a new back item, the Galactic wings!
Thank you all for taking the time to read the update. It's a fairly short one, but lots of cool changes and additions!
Good luck & have fun ❤️
Update Log #47 (Sacrificing Skill, Sacrifice Rework, Easter Event, Hanto's Bracelets, Bottomless Ethereal Overload (i), Credit Shop Changes & MORE!)
Greetings Exorians,
Its that time again on Exora! Thank you all for playing Exora and supporting the server. We appreciate your feedback. Today we've got a banger of an update! Introducing the first new skill of Exora named Sacrificing, revamping the pool of sacrifice. We've also got easter event, a bunch of QOL, new bottomless potion, some hanto additions and undying vengeance loot changes!
Check out our new deals for easter. We've revamped the rewards for all tiers, you'll be surprised what you'll find
Deals can be found here: https://exora.io/deals
We've also refreshed the coupon codes! They can be found here:
Let's get to the update!
+ Sacrificing Skill
We wanted to introduce a new skill for some time, but had to find the right timing and idea for it. Taking a look at some content we've decided to make the Pool of Sacrifice a skill rather than simply sacrificing items for points. With that, we also wanted the skill to have a use. Only leveling the skill with no bonuses wouldn't have been good. So we managed to come up with a great solution by giving you a point multiplier per level. Not only do you gain more points, but by sacrificing you'll also have a chance at receiving crafting materials. The higher the item costs in points, the bigger the rewards.
The items you now sacrifice have a sacrificing level requirement. You can check the level required via the search function. A good rule of thumb is checking levels based on points. So if its 100 points expect levels around 1-6. Higher points means higher sacrificing level required.
We also went ahead and revamped the user interface for the pool of sacrifice. Making it so you can quickly sacrifice, check the possible materials you can obtain, look up items level, points and experience.
+ Sacrifice Points Multiplier
For every level that you gain, you get 0.25% increased sacrifice points gained up to 24.5%.
+ Sacrifice Experience
Experience is calculated by taking the point value and halving it. So an item worth 100k points is 50k sacrificing experience.
Sacrificing experience is also flat, and cannot be boosted by any means. That also means game modes. It is the same for everyone.
+ Sacrifice Materials
The materials you can obtain are from common up to ultra rare. There are 5 drop tables in total. The drop table you can roll on depends on the item you sacrifice. Higher valued items cannot roll lower tables. Here's how its setup.
+ Less than 400 points
- Common: 1/25
+ More than 400 points and less than 1000 points
- Uncommon: 1/25
+ More than 1000 points and less than 15k points
- Rare: 1/50
+ More than 15k points and less than 100k points
- Very Rare: 1/50
+ More than 100k points
- Ultra Rare: 1/75
By using the search function you can quickly check what type of materials you can expect.
+ Combat Levels
We decided to keep the combat level increase from summoning. Since summoning was replaced with sacrificing. So now you'll be able to have a combat level of up to 138!
+ How it works
1. Grab any item that is sacrificeable. Head over to the pool of sacrifice, which is west of home.
2. Select the item you want to sacrifice. You can then choose how many you sacrifice.
3. Click confirm, and you've now sacrificed an item! You'll gain sacrifice points, experience and a chance at a crafting material.
+ Functions
+ Search
- You can look-up an items' sacrifice information in the search button.
+ Sacrifice Shop
Some price changes and additions. Note that with increased points gained, even if these prices are increased you'll still come out cheaper.
- Added re-roll token to the sacrifice shop
- Added world boss soulcages to the sacrifice shop
- Added skill pets & brimstone bear pet to the sacrifice shop
- increased price of fail-safe ticket by to 900k.
- increased price of pet, transfers by 100k.
- increased price of world boss token by 5k
- increased price of rift reset scroll by 5k
- increased price of task reset scroll by 5k.
- increased prices of mystery boxes
+ Is Sacrificing a part of completionist, mode advancement and rebirth requirements?
- Sacrificing skill is not required for any of the capes, rebirth and mode advancements. Your sacrificing skill will stay.
+ If I sacrifice more than one of the same item does it roll for materials once or however much I've put in?
- It will roll however much you put in. If you put in 10 infernal guard helmets, it'll roll for materials 10 times.
+ Sacrificing Skill Capes?
- Yes, once you reach 99 or 200m XP you can purchase the capes from Max at skill zone.
That's it for the pool of sacrifice, let's continue with the rest of the update. Any suggestions feel free to let us know on our discord!
+ Easter Event 2024
Finally! Its time for the Easter event. The event is a good way for to earn some in-game money for all types of players. The event consists of a variety of content happening around Exora. You can visit the Easter Dungeon which is the main area to earn easter tokens. There are lots of world events happening throughout the day as well! We've also introduced a new skill world event (including world boss) where you'll have to cut a chocolate for easter tokens.
We've also added a way to obtain guaranteed fail-safe tickets from the Easter event. Learn more down below!
End date: 1st of May, 2024
+ Easter Bunny's Quest
To start with the easter event; speak to the easter bunny at the easter zone. Global teleports > Easter Dungeon (or ::easter). Help the easter bunny defend its eggs by defeating evil bunnies in the easter zone. This quest will reward you with the ability to obtain easter tokens from evil bunnies, an easter mystery box and an Egg locator which will come in handy later! Note: This quest can only be completed once per day per IP. Doing the repeatable quest will reward you with an easter mystery box!
+ Easter Fail-safe Tickets
The event fail-safe tickets was very much appreciated by the community! So we're making this an event for every holiday! By completing daily tasks, you'll receive a part of a fail-safe ticket. You can obtain 6 parts a day. After collecting 84 parts, you can combine it in to a full easter fail-safe ticket. easter fail-safe tickets act as a weakened fail-safe ticket. If you collect a total of 2 tickets, you can then combine them in to superior easter fail-safe.
The tickets and parts can't be sold, traded, dropped or lost on death. Only way to get rid of them is by destroying it.
Note: New daily task rewards will become available on next daily reset after update.
How to obtain: Complete daily tasks. Each task rewards you with 1 part, and 1k easter tokens.
+ Easter Dragon
With the Easter event comes a new World Boss. It will only be available during the easter event. The events tab shows when the dragon will spawn. It drops all of the Easter event items. It is similar to the khaashee dragon, however upon killing the easter dragon it drops lots of easter candies! To teleport to the easter dragon use the command ::dragon or teleport via the events tab.
+ Polychromatic Bunny
Another new world boss! To teleport to the Polychromatic bunny use the command ::bunny or teleport via the events tab.
+ Chocolate Crab
A new skilling world boss! It will only be available during the easter event. You can only attack it with skilling weaponry and pets. It may also be spawned with the world boss token. To teleport to the Chocolate crab use the command ::crab or teleport via the events tab.
+ Chocolate Tree
The chocolate tree spawns every few hours, like the elemental star you have to cut it down to receive its resources. The tree can only be cut down via a hatchet. When cutting it you'll receive choco eggs which can be chiseled in to easter tokens. You also have a low chance of receiving elemental dusts while cutting it.
You can teleport to the chocolate tree via the command ::tree
+ Easter Egg Hunt
Once you complete the Easter Bunny Quest you'll receive an egg locator. This is an important item to help you locate the Easter Egg. In order to find the Easter Egg use your locator. At first, the locator will give out very vague hints, every 15 minutes the hints get increasingly easier and eventually if it hasn't been caught it will straight out tell you where it is. Only the first 6 players are able to receive its rewards and benefits, so be quick!
When you find the easter egg, simply click it to catch it. You'll be rewarded with items, coins and a 30 minute temporary character benefit. Which gives the following:
- +1% increased drop rate
- +25% increased XP rate
The easter egg will appear every hour. To find out when it spawns simply head over to your events tab!
+ Heart of Easter Spirit
While killing monsters there's a low chance to receive tomporary character benefits. You'll roll either the increased drop rate or XP rate. They're the same as the easter egg benefits, so these 2 benefits will not stack. However if you happen to get another buff, while your timer is still active it will refresh it.
+ Easter Tokens
After completing Bunny's Quest monsters in Easter Zone will now always drop Easter tokens. These monsters will drop anywhere between 50-115 per kill, however this amount can be enhanced with Easter trinket. You will now also be able to receive Easter tokens from general gameplay such as; Tasks Scrolls, Clue Scrolls, Dailies, slayer tasks and skill tasks. Tokens can be spent in Easter Bunny's shop. It stands at home, patiently awaiting Exorians.
+ Easter Zone Rewards
In the Easter Dungeon you'll now be able to progress through zone rewards! You'll be able to obtain a bunch of Easter soulcages, lots of mystery boxes, evil bunny shoulder pet, weaponry, equipment and more! This is so intermediate and beginner players can grind out the easter event without much RNG!
+ Easter Emblems
Emblems are a way for players to get more Easter tokens while grinding out in the Easter zone. They have a 1% chance to drop from monsters in the area, and will only drop once Bunny's quest is completed. Emblems can be cut with chisels to turn in to Easter tokens. You will be notified by game message that an emblem has dropped.
+ Heart of Easter
- When broken with a chisel gain 2500-3500 Easter Tokens.
+ Crystalized Easter Egg
- When broken with a chisel gain 2000-2500 Easter Tokens.
+ Ancient Medallion
- When broken with a chisel gain 1500-2000 Easter Tokens.
+ Palm Leaf
- When broken with a chisel gain 500-1500 Easter Tokens.
+ Easter Adventurer's Log
Make sure to claim any other rewards you may have missed from the Adventurer's log! We've added a new book called Bunny's Book. This will only be in the log until the event has ended. Meanwhile, you can complete Easter tasks to receive Easter rewards. They're fairly easy, and you have a total of 5 tasks to complete for some goodies.
If you don't know where it is simply go to Quest Tab > click on "Adventurer's Log"
+ Easter Rewards
I know you've been waiting for this! Let's get to the juicy stuff. You'll be able to obtain various rewards such as shoulder pets, equipment, weaponry, battle pets and a lot more!
+ Easter Consumables
Obtainable from the Easter Mystery Box, Bunny's Shop, World Boss and the credit shop.
+ Easter Carrot
- Allows you to feed a pet without the specific food required. (up to lvl. 45)
+ Choc' Eggs
- Acts as a single dose overload.
+ Cinnamon Stix
- Increases XP Rate by +10%
+ Spring Grass
- Increases Easter tokens gained by +10%.
+ Ginger Bunny Ears
- Increases drop rate by 0.10%.
+ Hot Cross Buns
- Acts as a single aggression pot.
+ Easter Weaponry & Equipment
+ Easter Sword (t1)
- Simple fast hitting sword.
- Obtained from: Easter Shop, Easter Mystery Box, Easter Monsters, World Bosses, Easter Egg
+ Easter Sword (t2)
- Fast hitting sword.
- 5% chance at hitting twice. Its second hit dealing 50% less damage.
- Forge Requirement: Easter sword (t1), 75K Easter tokens.
- Success chance: 100%
+ Easter Sword (t3)
- Fast hitting sword.
- 10% chance at hitting twice. Its second hit dealing 50% less damage.
- Forge Requirement: Easter sword (t2), 100K Easter tokens.
- Success chance: 75%
+ Easter Sword (t4)
- Fast hitting sword.
- 15% chance at hitting twice. Its second hit dealing 50% less damage.
- Forge Requirement: Easter sword (t3), 200K Easter tokens.
- Success chance: 50%
+ Easter Bow (t1)
- Allows arrows up to rune.
- Obtained from: Easter Shop, Easter Mystery Box, Easter Monsters, World Bosses, Easter Egg
+ Easter Bow (t2)
- Allows arrows up to rune.
- 5% chance at hitting twice. Its second hit dealing 75% less damage.
- Forge Requirement: Easter bow (t1), 75K Easter tokens.
- Success chance: 100%
+ Easter Bow (t3)
- Allows arrows up to dragon.
- 10% chance at hitting twice. Its second hit dealing 50% less damage.
- Forge Requirement: Easter bow (t2), 100K Easter tokens.
- Success chance: 75%
+ Easter Bow (t4)
- Allows arrows up to dark matter.
- 15% chance at hitting twice. Its second hit dealing 50% less damage.
- Forge Requirement: Easter bow (t3), 200K Easter tokens.
- Success chance: 50%
+ Easter Staff (t1)
- Has its own basic spell ability.
- Obtained from: Easter Shop, Easter Mystery Box, Easter Monsters, World Bosses, Easter Egg
+ Easter Staff (t2)
- Fast attacks. Has its own basic spell ability.
- Forge Requirement: Easter Staff (t1), 75K Easter tokens.
- Success chance: 100%
+ Easter Staff (t3)
- Casts spells twice as fast. Does not have its own special ability. Casts spells refers to magic book.
- Forge Requirement: Easter Staff (t2), 100K Easter tokens.
- Success chance: 75%
+ Easter Staff (t4)
- 15% chance at hitting twice. Its second hit dealing 50% less damage.
- Forge Requirement: Easter staff (t3), 200K Easter tokens.
- Success chance: 50%
+ Evil Bunny F* (t1)
- Shoulder Pet
- Increases drop rate by 0.25%, heals 50-75 HP and restores prayer every 15 seconds.
- Obtained from: Easter Shop, Easter Mystery Box, World Bosses, Easter Egg
+ Evil Bunny F* (t2)
- Increases drop rate by 0.5%, heals 50-75 HP and restores prayer every 10 seconds.
- Forge Requirement: Snowman F* (t1), 200K Easter tokens.
- Success chance: 100%
+ Easter Melee Set
- A melee equipment set.
- Obtained from: Easter Shop, Easter Mystery Box, Easter Monsters, World Bosses, Easter Egg
+ Easter Range Set
- A range equipment set.
- Obtained from: Easter Shop, Easter Mystery Box, Easter Monsters, World Bosses, Easter Egg
+ Easter Magic Set
- A magic equipment set.
- Obtained from: Easter Shop, Easter Mystery Box, Easter Monsters, World Bosses, Easter Egg
+ Easter Misc./Cosmetics
+ Heart of Easter Soulcage
- Defeat 25 easter themed world bosses, and receive a reward from their drop table
- Can be obtained from World Bosses, Credit Shop
+ Easter Soulcage
- Defeat 50 monsters in Easter dungeon, and receive a reward from their drop table. This is a beginner tier soulcage.
- Can be obtained from Easter zone rewards and Easter mystery box
+ Easter Mystery Box
- May be obtained from Bunny's Shop, Monsters, World Bosses, Adv. Log, and Credit Shop
+ Easter 2024 Trinket
- Increases easter tokens gained by +25% while killing monsters in the Easter dungeon.
- Obtainable; Bunny's Shop, World Bosses, Easter Egg, Credit Shop
+ Special Easter Egg
- Allows you to upgrade overload, renewal, aggression and brew bottomless potions.
- Obtained from Easter Egg
+ Bunny Holdin' Egg F* (t1)
- Increases XP rate by +50% when worn.
- Obtained from World bosses, Easter Egg, Easter Mystery box, Credit Shop
+ Bunny Holdin' Egg F* (t2)
- Increases XP rate by +75% when worn.
- Forge Requirements: Bunny Holdin' Egg F* (t1), x10 Superior Fury Essence, x25 Superior Essence, x250 Elemental Dusts, x500K Easter Tokens
- Success chance: 25%
+ Bunny Holdin' Egg F* (t3)
- Increases XP rate by +100% when worn.
- Forge Requirements: Bunny Holdin' Egg F* (t2), x50 Superior Fury Essence. x75 Superior Essence, x500 Elemental Dusts, x1250K Easter Tokens
- Success chance: 15%
+ Bunny Holdin' Egg F* (t4)
- Increases XP rate by +125% when worn.
- Forge Requirements: Bunny Holdin' Egg F* (t2), x75 Superior Fury Essence. x100 Superior Essence, x750 Elemental Dusts, x2000K EasterTokens
- Success chance: 10%
+ Evil Bunny Wings
- 3 Colours of the Evil Bunny Wings
- Obtained from easter events in general.
+ Polychrome Wings
- Obtainable Credit Shop
+ Bunny Suit
- A bunny suit.
- Obtainable; Bunny's Shop, Credit Shop
+ Evil Bunny Tails
- A new cosmetic item that goes on to the behind of the character. Note: Tails equip to the amulet slot.
- Obtainable; Respective bunny, Bunny's shop, World Boss.
+ Basket of Eggs
- A cosmetic. Changes the walking animation.
- Obtainable; Bunny's Shop, World Boss.
+ Rubber chicken
- A cosmetic.
- Obtainable; Bunny's Shop, World Boss.
+ Easter Battle Pets
+ Chocolate Crab Pet (Skill Pet)
- Obtainable: Chocolate Crab, Credit Shop
+ Golden Chocolate Crab Pet (Skill Pet)
- Obtainable: Chocolate Crab, Credit Shop
+ Golden Dragon Pet
- Effects: 15% chance to apply an additional magic special hit.
- Attacks: Range
- Stats: 1.8% Drop Rate, Attack: 120, Defence: 85, Strength: 115, Special Damage: 385, Special Rate %: 15, Special Hit: x3
- Obtainable: Easter Dragon, Easter Egg, Easter Mystery Box, Credit Shop
+ Golden Bunny Pet
- Stats: 1.5% Drop Rate, Attack: 95, Defence: 60, Strength: 95, Special Damage: 350, Special Rate %: 13, Special Hit: x3
- Obtainable: Polychromatic Bunny, Easter Egg, Easter Mystery Box, Credit Shop
+ Polychrome Bunny (red)
- Melee
- Effects: 10% chance to apply an additional special hit.
- Stats: 1.3% Drop Rate, Attack: 68, Defence: 62, Strength: 62, Special Damage: 250, Special Rate %: 7, Special Hit: x2
- Obtainable: Easter Shop, World Bosses, Easter Egg, Easter Mystery Box, Credit Shop
+ Polychrome Bunny (blue)
- Magic
- Effects: 10% chance to apply an additional special hit.
- Stats: 1.3% Drop Rate, Attack: 68, Defence: 62, Strength: 62, Special Damage: 250, Special Rate %: 7, Special Hit: x2
- Obtainable: Easter Shop, World Bosses, Easter Egg, Easter Mystery Box, Credit Shop
+ Polychrome Bunny (green)
- Range
- Effects: 10% chance to apply an additional special hit.
- Stats: 1.3% Drop Rate, Attack: 68, Defence: 62, Strength: 62, Special Damage: 250, Special Rate %: 7, Special Hit: x2
- Obtainable: Easter Shop, World Bosses, Easter Egg, Easter Mystery Box, Credit Shop
+ Evil Bunny Pets
- Obtainable: Respective bunny in the easter zone, Easter Mystery Box, Bunny's Shop.
..and that's it for the Easter Event. Hope you guys enjoy it 🙂
+ Hanto's Slaughter & Expeditious Bracelets
Works the same as the slayer bracelets, only difference is these are for boss tasks.
Can be obtained from Hanto's item Shop.
+ Hanto Shop
- Lowered price of enchanted bone from 15k to 12.5k points.
- Added slaughter & expeditious for 17.5k points.
+ Bottomless Ethereal Overload (i)
- Boosts melee combat levels by +38, Boosts range level by +38, Boosts magic level by +35.
- Cannot be combined with any other overload effect, or ethereal effect.
+ Can be created with using the following materials on bottomless overload (i)
- Corporeal spines - Corporeal beast
- Ganodermic shell - Ganodermic behemoth
- Nomad's spear - nomad
- Seren's heart - Seren the forgotten
Learn more here: https://exora-rsps.fandom.com/wiki/Bottomless_Potions
+ Undying Vengeance
Undying vengeance raids will now always roll an additional loot table permanently. (Similar to the reward booster effect).
+ Seren the Forgotten
Lowered the amount of hands on tiles to reduce lag a bit.
+ Enchanted Chest
- Removed dark bows from the loot table.
- Added magma soulcage to the loot table.
- Added celestial soulcage to the loot table.
+ Noted Items
- Godwars quivers can now be noted.
- True exo and regular exo weaponry can now be noted.
- Elite nex pieces can now be noted.
- Goliath, spellcaster and swift gloves can now be noted.
+ Ramadan Event Changes
- You'll now also receive +1% increased raid drop rate.
+ Woodcutting
- Increased the speed at which you gain materials from all gem trees.
- Increased the speed at which you gain logs from Akdall's tree.
+ Changes
- Elemental star starter task can now be done via the hellside rift.
- Changed the easter egg shoulder pet model and item name to be: bunny holdin' egg
+ Fixes
- Fixed an issue with transmogrifier.
+ Credit Shop
+ Additions
- Added the new Easter category, with event and limited time items.
- Added Golden Fail-safe Ticket to the easter category.
- Added (i) bottomless potions to the easter category.
- Added polychrome wings to the easter category.
- Added special easter egg to the easter category.
- Added Boss Task Booster to the boosters category.
- Added golden scoria weaponry to the weapon category permanently.
- Added golden dweller cape to the equipment category permanently.
+ Changes
- Lowered price of custom token to 8999 credits.
- Lowered price of forgotten relic to 1499 credits.
- Lowered price of power nova & barrage relic to 2999 credits.
- Lowered price of forbidden soulcage to 3499 credits.
- Lowered price of bottomless enchanted materials.
- Lowered price of heirlooms.
- Lowered price of double bounty trinket.
- Lowered price sof trinkets across the board.
- Lowered prices of accessory sigils.
- Lowered price of imbue scroll (e)
- Lowered prices of skill pets.
- Lowered prices of all combat shoulder pets.
Thank you to @charming imp for having a custom set made! Here's his 'Hardcore' equipment set!
Thank you all for taking the time to read the update log. Appreciate the support, GL & HF!
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Posted by Tetas -
Posted by Dianaa98 -
Meet Women Who Want Fun in Your Town71 Views
Posted by Dianaa98 -
Posted by Dianaa98 -
Posted by amu